St. Macartin's Cathedral

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Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News"
                        Church Family December 2022 - January 2026

Our monthly church magazine, "Cathedral News", often devotes special pages featuring organisations and prominent members. Starting with the December 2019/January 2023 issue, an easy-find index appears on this page. 

To see the index for  December 2016/January 2017 through to December 2019/January 2020, click HERE
December 2022 - January 2023
60th Anniversary of the ordination of Canon Peter Wilson - Pages 14-15

February 2023
Stinson Family dedication of Chapter Room furniture in memory of Claudie and Marina Stinson - Page 6
The Cathedral bell ringers - Pages 14-15
Christmas 60+ party 2022 - Page 20
Tuesday Club - page 22

March 2023
Air Ambulance donation - George and Myrtle Irvine and other church members - Page 8
Mothers' Union service - Page 10
Tuesday Club - Page 22
The "Knitwits" (knitting group) sock tree - Page 23

April 2023
Mothers' Union service - Page 11

May 2023
The new Select Vestry - Pages 10-11
The "Knitwits" (knitting group) annual tea party - Page 19

June 2023
The confirmation group of young people - Pages 6-7
The new Churchwardens - Vanessa Elliott and Arnold Graham - Page 7
Profiles of Vanessa Elliott and Arnold Graham - Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union  - Pages 14-15

July - August 2023
The Dean with the Select Vestry (25 years since ordination) - Pages 6-7
The Dean and Jenifer Johnston meet King Charles - Page 8
Lady helpers at the Flower Festival - Page 15
Girls' Brigade Queen’s Award to Ashlyn Martin - Page 17

September 2023
A profile of Brigadier (ret'd)  Dr. John Graham - Page 12
Oliver Robertson plays in the Super Cup (Ballinamallard FC) - Page 21

October 2023
Mothers' Union - Pages 8 and 9
Joanna McVey OBE B Mus DL (choir member) - Pages 12-13
The "Knitwits" (knitting group) annual tea party - Page 19

November 2023

Maddison Blair - Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union - Page 15

December 2023- January 2024
Adele Moore Pages 14-15

February 2024
Choir members at Dean's "sit-out" - Page 6
"Knit-wits" with Verger Andy McCabe - Page 7
Mothers' Union Christmas Dinner - Pages 8-9
Tuesday Club with Adele Moore - Page 13
Rev Dr Edwin Aiken with his wife Alex - Pages 14-15
Rev Colin Brownsmith presiding at Millcroft/Milverne Nursing Home - Page 16

March 2024
Rev Dr Edwin Aiken - first Sunday - Page 8
Mothers' Union - Pages 10-11
Choir Dinner - Pages 12-13
Tuesday Club - Page 18

April 2024
Presentations to Alanna Williamson and to Samuel and Marie Morrow - Page 8
Select Vestry 2024-25 - Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union Visitor's Night  Pages 14-15
Confirmation - Page 19