St. Macartin's Cathedral

Last updated 11th October 2024
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On-line streaming of services on YouTube
Streaming of each Sunday morning service normally starts at 10.55am on Sunday mornings - if you see no pictures after that time, refresh/reload the YouTube Page - look for a refresh button at the top looking something like one of these:
Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News" - our monthly magazine

For people of faith in these difficult times, listening to Christian music, or better still, watching it being performed online, is very uplifting - a real spiritual experience. During the Coronavirus crisis, we introduced a page carrying links to music videos which we hope will be a blessing to all. You can access the page by clicking HERE
The Church of Ireland’s Daily Worship app brings content from the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible to your computer, smartphone or tablet, displaying readings and liturgies for each day of the year. Using it, you can grow in relationship with God through daily prayer and also by reading and meditating on Scripture. Click on the icon above to view on PC, or the app can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store.
During 2021, the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal released funds to support Covid relief efforts in India and also in Haiti following a devastating earthquake.  And now the crisis in Ukraine has displaced numerous refugees in need of support by relief agencies and the Bishops' Appeal seeks urgent donations to go towards such humanitarian work. Individuals and parishes are invited to contribute to support these and other efforts.   Taxpayers in the U.K. can give more help by “Gift Aiding” donations. For more details and to read a special press release, click on the Ukrainian flag here.

Please note that our archive links (services, weddings,
funerals etc
are now hosted on a separate page. Click on the picture to the left to access.
Please note - in the event that a technical problem prevents a live transmission, we shall endeavour to upload a recording by five o'clock the same day.

The Dean Writes:

Dear Parishioners and Friends all around the world,

Harvest is a time of thanksgiving to God for all His provision for us. It is good to cultivate a grateful heart, and studies
have shown that people who practise thankfulness tend to have a more positive outlook on life, be more optimistic about
the future, and are generally healthier than those who do a lot of grumbling and complaining. On one occasion Jesus met a
group of ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). They called out to Him in a loud voice asking for Him to have pity of them, which He did. He sent them to the priest, and on the way they were healed. However, only one of them returned to give thanks to Jesus, and he was a Samaritan. He threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked Him, giving praise to God in a loud voice.

It occurs to me that most of us make a loud noise when we are in need of help, but we are much quieter about giving thanks. We are not inhibited when making our needs known to God but how many of us make a point of giving Him thanks when we have received His help? Do we come to church regularly and sing praises loudly? Do we speak of what blessings we have received? If God is generous to us are we generous in return with our weekly giving to God’s House?

Why not try to cultivate the discipline of gratitude in your life? Make it a rule to thank anyone who helps you in some way, or who encourages you. Let them know you appreciate them. Review each day before you sleep, reminding yourself of every good thing that happened, and offering your thoughts to God as a prayer. Introduce a short time of giving thanks to
God each Sunday in church before the service. It is good to chat to each other at church (I am all for that) but remember our primary reason for coming to church is to thank and to praise God.

Rather than focus of what you do not have, or what has gone wrong, train your mind to focus on what you do have, and what has gone right. You will be surprised at the difference it can make. So for this Harvest Season and the coming days let us be people of ‘positivity’ rather than people of ‘negativity’!

Of all we have or receive the most precious thing is that God blesses us with an abundance of love, may we share that love with each other.

                                                           ‘Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices,
                                                            Who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices.’

(words from a hymn "Nun danket alle Gott" by Martin Rinkart (1586-1649) Translated from German by Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878))

Yours very sincerely

Sunday Services 9.00am – 11.00am – Mid Week Service Every Thursday 11.00am – Holy Communion.

On Saturday 12th October, from 10.30 till 12.30, our knitting group is holding a coffee morning and sale of knitted and artisan craft items in the Cathedral Hall.  
All the proceeds will go to the                NI Children's Hospice.

     Please support this
very worthy cause.
Our annual Harvest Thanksgiving, will be held on Sunday 13th October at the usual time of 11.00am. The special guest preacher at this service will be The Right Rev Adrian Wilkinson, Bishop of Cashel. At 7.00pm we hold a Harvest Festival with appropriate readings and hymns.
Refreshments, as well as apple tarts with fresh cream, will be served after the festival in the hall. All are warmly welcome.
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