St. Macartin's Cathedral
Enniskillen, Northern Ireland
Cathedral Hall

The Church of Ireland - part of the Anglican Communion
Services & Meetings

(last updated 10th August 2014)
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The Jazz Night on 25th April raised £300; thanks again to Liz and Myrtle for an enjoyable evening.

The Gospel as sung by Elvis Concert on 7th May brought in £895 thanks to those who supported this event and those who acted as stewards on the night.

A coffee afternoon on 25th May at the home of Leslie and Maureen Wilkin raised an admirable £1121; thank you to all who supported this event and especially to Leslie and Maureen for their hospitality, warm welcome and generosity in opening their home.

A Dinner Cruise on Lough Erne on 28th May realised £680. This proved to be a very enjoyable evening and we thank Stephen Nixon for his kindness in arranging this trip and giving generously of his time and services.

A guided walk with a picnic on 31st May raised £490. This was an event bought at our auction in February. Thanks to Hazel Hunter for planning such a scenic route in Donegal for the walkers and a fabulous picnic and refreshments. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part and appeared on Sunday morning tanned and buzzing about their experience! Thanks also to Tommy who selflessly gave his time to drive the minibus.

Thank you to Ivan and Avril Kee who kindly opened their home to a steady stream of visitors for refreshments and greatly augmented our funds by over £4000. Thank you also to all who helped on the day by giving of their time and providing home bakes.

The figure from the Sponsored Parish Walk on 8th June is £2345 to date; this was a great opportunity for fun and fellowship. Well done to all the walkers and thanks to those who supported them through sponsorship. Congratulations to Karl Wilkin who was the top fundraiser and to the others who won prizes kindly donated by Furnish, Saddlers, Uno and Ivan Kee. Our appreciation also to all those who contributed to a delicious soup lunch and the ladies who served it - enjoyed by all!

Envelope donations for May were £2271; our appreciation to all who continue to support in this way.

Other donations include £120 from a parishioner and a contribution of £250 from Mother’s Union. Photographs of the Cathedral, kindly produced by Martin Clyde, are available for £25 each. You can order copies by adding your name to the list in the porch.

A date for your diary - 15th December 2014 - Nathan Carter will perform ’A Christmas Concert’ in the Cathedral; details to follow in the autumn.

At our fund raising committee meeting in June many members expressed how, through our efforts to raise much- needed funds, we have realised that the benefits have been much more far reaching. Many parishioners have commented that fund-raising events have provided opportunities to meet and share with people in our Cathedral family that they may not have known before. We have had time to enjoy fellowship and share our time and talents. We look forward to your continuing support of events and the chance to meet together.